established in 1976
Welcome to our website – here you will find pictures of some of our members Chevelles and Club get togethers. Our Club was formed in 1976 by Chuck Finch (President), Roger Avis (Vice President) and Bob Elsey.
For over 40 years we have hosted several car shows – the City of Wayne Wheelfest until its demise and now we have taken over Romulus’ Pumpkin Fest Car Show. We also have an annual Christmas party for club members and an autumn time bon fire / BBQ. We try to find a meeting place at the major cruises. 2012 saw the end of the Chevelle nation-wide club “ACES”, the American Chevelle Enthusiast Society. It was common to find some of us in Nashville, TN for Chevelle-a-bration – with 400+ Chevelles. Several members make the trip to the Northern Ohio Chevelle Club show near Cleveland, usually held early in August.
The general purpose of the Club shall be to encourage events, plan trips, and social activities for members and their families; to provide and regulate events and exhibitions for Club members; to act as a source of technical information.
If you are interested in joining our club, go to the “Contact” page.

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